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Dad called me to come. I was just in my yellow bra which was just hanging in my big boobs. Half of my boobs naked to the outside world and with the navel piercing and a waist chain attached to it.In addition, the tattoo in my upper right boobs added more sexiness. Since it was like a year and a half since I had my last public experience or with strangers, I felt very shy and embarrassed to face him. It was like all old memories coming back to me as I was showing off my body to Prasad uncle.I. Then he carried me into the bedroom, and made me lie down. He started kissing my face and licking it, while pumping me hungrily. I was in the height of lustful frenzy and orgasmed two more times before he came. Before he came, he removed his dick from my pussy and he spilt his cum all over me. I wiped my body with my bare hands and licked the cum sticking to my hands hungrily.Then we got dressed. He asked me if I won’t bath. I was feeling a bit lazy then, but I wanted to sound sexy rather than. Her lips opened, and he was accepted, the head just popped in. Just the head, but the short gentle motions advanced it a little each time. And Lisa, now abandoned to what was happening, was copiously wet. Halfway in and then he plunged, tried to shove his entire life into her garden. Lisa's wide-open dazed eyes fluttered closed as he began the motions that were intended to send her over the edge. They were totally wedded and the long intense moving in and out, back and forth were doing just. Even though I did like Lou, he was 56 years old and I was going to be 24 years old in a few months. I liked my single life and I really didn't have to work, since my finances were more than taken care of by my last 5 and a half years of earnings. My college tuition was paid off and I would be finally graduating in a year and I was financially independent. I considered Lou as just another person in my long line of sex partners. I always kept a couple of regular sex partners that weren't clients..
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